LEADING sucessfully delivers 11 ultra-high pressure single chamber orifice fittings

  • Blog (EN)
  • Hits: 15347

LEADING has just finished and delivered 10 Nos. 10”-10,000# and 1 No. 12”-10,000# single chamber orifice fittings for a FPSO offshore Brazil.

LEADING has just finished and delivered 10 Nos. 10”-10,000# and 1 No. 12”-10,000# single chamber orifice fittings for a FPSO offshore Brazil. It has been a formidable technical challenge, involving extensive engineering, high strength alloys, state of the art NDT and astringent 3rd party inspection. Hydrotesting took place at almost 1000 Bars. So far our biggest high pressure orifice fittings, and most  likely the biggest ones ever made, pushing EPS beyond the limits.




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